1. Download Genymotion ARM-Translation: Genymotion-ARM-Translation_v1.1.zip
  2. Download and install Genymotion from: https://www.genymotion.com/fun-zone/
  3. Run Genymontion and start adding your virtual device, please choose andorid version 4.4, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0 or 7.0.
  4. Luch your newly added device, drag and drop the Genymotion-ARM-Translation_v1.1.zip (downloaded from step 1) onto the Genymotion VM window, then reboot your VM.
  5. Dowload the correct GApps:
    - For 4.4: open_gapps-x86-4.4-pico-20150716.zip
    - For 5.0: open_gapps-x86-5.0-pico-20150716.zip
    - For 5.1: open_gapps-x86-5.1-pico-20150716.zip
    - For 6.0: open_gapps-x86-6.0-pico-20160808.zip
    - For 7.0: open_gapps-x86-7.0-pico-20161217.zip
    (You can visit http://opengapps.org/ for latest versions) 
  6. Again, drag and drop the GApps onto your VM and click "ok", once it finishes, reboot your VM.

Open Google Play Store and try login with your Google Account, if there is no problem then you have your VM with GApps fully setup.