Tools and Resources
This website was created using the following tools and resources:
- Next.js: The React Framework for the Web.
- TypeScript: JavaScript with syntax for types.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes.
- Heroicons: Beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons
- Playwright: An end-to-end testing framework.
- Jest: A delightful JavaScript testing framework.
- react-markdown: React component to render markdown.
- ReactPlayer: A React component for playing a variety of URLs.
- Strapi: The leading open-source headless CMS.
- Remark42: A privacy-focused lightweight commenting engine.
- Uptime Kuma: A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool.
- Freepik: A valuable source of free and high-quality images, graphics and vectors.
- Refactoring.Guru: Offers comprehensive tutorials and resources on code refactoring and Design Patterns.