Harry Tang's Blog

Hello there, my name is Harry, and this is my personal blog. As a technology enthusiast, I'd want to share my knowledge in software development, particularly new technologies. Please stop by and say hi or leave a comment.

Chuyển tiền quốc tế không tốn phí và hoàn tiền lên đến 5%

Chuyển tiên ra nước ngoài hoặc về Việt Nam miễn phí và nhận hoàn tiền tối đa 5%


My Development Environment Setup

This tutorial will show you how to set up a development environment on MacOS.


MongoDB Atlas Promo Code over $1000

I found these few MongoDB Atlas credits codes which will give you over $1000 worth credits.


Get Free EU/UK Bank account, MasterCard and €15 with Monese

Open an EU Bank account, get free MasterCard and €15 Bonus


Ubuntu - Enable auto update

How to enable auto update on Ubuntu 18.04


Vultr: Auto backup your servers with free Snapshots

How to auto backup your Vultr's servers by using snapshots for free


Deploy MongoDB replica set on Docker swarm

This tutorial shows how to setup a 3-member replica set for production system using Docker swarm


Top bootstrap 4 frontend and backend templates

Best admin control and dashboard panel templates, built on top of Bootstrap technology


Upgrading to MongoDB 3.6 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

How to upgrade MongoDB from 3.4 to 3.6 on Ubuntu Server


How to enable Google Authenticator for phpMyAdmin

Enable two-factor authentication with Google Authenticator for your phpMyAdmin


Showing 1-10 of 32 items.


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